google adsense wordpress plugin freeBest AdSense plugin for WordPress

How are you dear reader I hope you are well I am very good at your prayers I am going to discuss the topic among you I hope you will like it very much the main topic of today’

s discussion is google adsense wordpress plugin please watch carefully for detailed information.

READ MORE Article: Most Popular WordPress Plugins

Google adsense wordpress plugin free

If you want to set up Google Adsense ads in your WordPress? beautifully then this article is going to be very important for you because in this article I will introduce you about the best adsense plugins.

What is the best WordPress Google AdSense plugin?

I am going to share the top 10 WordPress plugins that you can use for free to set up AdSense ads on your WordPress site beautifully.

1. Site Kit by Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed

google adsense wordpress plugin

Very important for WordPress if you want to use the plugin, you can install it for free from the WordPress plugin store.

2. Advanced Ads: Ad Manager & AdSense

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to set up auto ads or display ads and article ads nicely on wordpress website and with google adsense txt file then use this plugin it is very good plugin to setup ads.

3. Ad Inserter: Ad Manager & AdSense Ads

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to customize ezoic ads, amazon ads, and any ads on the website and place them in the wordpress website of your choice, install this plugin and use it for free.

4. Easy AdSense Ads – Ad Inserter & AdSense Ad Manager

google adsense wordpress plugin

AMP This plugin is very important and can be used for free if you want to setup ads on WordPress website nicely.

5. Ads by WPQuads

google adsense wordpress plugin

Adsense Ads, Banner Ads, Popup Ads If you want to display ads of different sizes on your WordPress website then this plugin will be very good for you and you can use it for free and customize your WordPress website ads beautifully.

6. AdRotate Banner Manager: AdSense Ads

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to set up routed ads on WordPress website then this plugin will be very good for you to customize any ads use the plugin for free.

7. In-feed ads for Google AdSense

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to customize the feed ads on the WordPress website, then install this plugin by going to the WordPress dashboard and going to Add New Plugins.

8. Insert Post Ads

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to show and setup Google AdSense ads within the post of WordPress website, then use the plugin.

9. WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers

google adsense wordpress plugin

If you want to show ads above and below the website, use the plugin.

10. Directorist

google adsense wordpress plugin

WordPress Business Directory Plugin with Classified Ads Listings If you want to set up U-Commerce website ads in WordPress or show various ads listed in WordPress websites, then use this plugin for free.

WordPress advertising plugin free

In this article, dear readers, I have shared the best 10 plugins for setting up Google AdSense ads in your WordPress website or for setting up other ads. You can install and use any of them for free.

If you like the article about website ads setup plugin and if you are interested share it with your friends on social media thanks.