how to create facebook business account

Dear reader, how are you? I hope you are well. I am happy with your prayers. I hope you will like the topic that I am going to discuss. The main topic of today’s discussion is

how to create facebook business account 2024.

What is Facebook?

Facebook was designed as a platform for college students to connect with each other and share information within their university network. However, it quickly expanded beyond colleges and became open to anyone with a valid email address.

Facebook allows users to create profiles, share posts, photos, videos, and links, and connect with friends, family, and people with shared interests. Users can join groups, like pages and participate in various online communities.

Over time, Facebook acquired other popular social media platforms and services, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, broadening its user base and influence. The company has also developed its own features like Facebook Messenger to enhance communication capabilities.

It’s important to remember that technology and social media are constantly evolving, and Facebook’s features, policies, and impact may have changed since my last update.

How to Sign Up For Facebook Meta?

If you want to create a new Facebook ID on your laptop and Android phone or on iPhone, check out the complete steps shared below with screenshots.

#1. Open the Facebook website: Go to your preferred web browser and visit the official Facebook website at

#2. Sign Up Form: On the Facebook homepage, you’ll see a sign-up form on the right-hand side. It will ask for some basic information to set up your account.

#3. Fill in Your Details: Complete the sign-up form with the following information:

#4. First Name: Enter your first name.

#5. Last Name: Enter your last name.

#6. Mobile Number or Email Address: Provide a valid mobile number or email address that you have access to. This will be used for account verification and notifications.

#7. Password: Create a secure password. Make sure it’s strong and not easily guessable.

#8. Date of Birth: Select your date of birth from the drop-down menus.

#9. Choose Your Gender: Select your gender from the available options.

#10. Sign Up: Click on the “Sign Up” button to proceed. By doing so, you are agreeing to Facebook’s Terms and Data Policy, so make sure to read them if

#11. Account Verification: Facebook will send a verification code to the mobile number or email address you provided during sign-up. Retrieve the code and enter it on the Facebook website to verify your account.

#12. Profile Picture (Optional): You’ll have the option to add a profile picture to your account. You can upload a photo from your device or take a new one using your computer’s webcam.

#13. Add Friends (Optional): Facebook will suggest some friends based on your email contacts and other information. You can choose to add them as friends or skip this step.

#14. Complete Your Profile (Optional): You can further personalize your Facebook account by adding more details to your profile, such as education, work, hometown, and relationship status. This step is entirely optional, and you can skip it if you prefer.

#15. Explore Facebook: Once your account is set up, you can start exploring Facebook, connect with friends, join groups, and interact with posts.

Remember to use your real name when creating a Facebook account, as using fake names or impersonating others is against Facebook’s policies and could lead to account suspension.

That’s it! You now have a Facebook account and can start using the platform to connect with friends and family, follow pages and groups, and stay Updates with the latest news and trends.

Can I create a Facebook business page without a personal account?

If you are creating Business Facebook profile without your personal account, now you will be shown the complete process and if you are interested, share the steps below.

1. Log in or Sign up

If you already have a personal Facebook account, log in to it. If not, you’ll need to create one by going to and signing up.

2. Create a Page

Once you are logged in, go to the Facebook homepage and click on the “Create” dropdown menu located in the top-right corner. From the options that appear, select “Page.” You can also access this link directly by going to

3. Choose a Page Type

Facebook will prompt you to select a category for your business. The options include Local Business or Place, Company, Brand or Product, Artist, Public Figure, Entertainment, and more. Choose the category that best fits your business.

4. Enter Business Details

Fill out the required information about your business. This typically includes the page name, category, address, phone number, and website URL. Make sure to provide accurate and relevant information to help potential customers find and understand your business.

5. Add Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Upload a profile picture that represents your business, such as your logo. Also, add a cover photo that visually showcases your brand or products/services.

6. Complete About Section

Write a short description Example Like (Welcome to My Business Facebook Page) that introduces your business and its purpose. You can also add more detailed information in the “About” section to provide a comprehensive overview.

7. Explore Page Settings

Once your page is created, navigate through the various page settings to customize your account further. You can add additional contact information, set up messaging options, and manage page roles for admins and editors.

8. Create Content and Engage

Start posting content related to your business. This could include product updates, promotions, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and valuable information for your audience. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Remember, Facebook’s interface might have changed, so it’s always a good idea to check Facebook’s Help Center or relevant documentation for the most up-to-date instructions. Additionally, consider looking into Facebook’s advertising options and tools for businesses to help you grow your online presence and reach a broader audience.

How To Delete Facebook Business Account?

If you want to delete your Facebook business page or ID from your phone or laptop and on iPhone, now you will be shown the process.

  1. First of all login your facebook.
  2. Then click on the (three dot menu).
  3. Then click on (Settings and Privacy) option and click again on (Settings) option.
  4. Then (see more in accounts center) click on this button.
  5. Then you will see the option named (Personal Details) click on it.
  6. Then click on (account ownership and control) button.
  7. Then you will see (deactivation and deletion) option click on it.
  8. Next you will see (your Facebook account name) click on it.
  9. Then mark this option (delete account) and click on (Continue) button.
  10. If you have a Facebook group or Facebook page you can see it here, you must administrate it in your other account, click on the (Continue) button below it.
  11. Then here you will see several options from here click on the (continue) button with a mark on one of them.
  12. Then again you will see (Continue) button click on it.
  13. After that you will see several options here then scroll down and click on (Continue) button.
  14. Then click (Continue button) with your (Facebook account password).

After that, if you do not login to your Facebook account for 30 days, then your Facebook business account will be automatically deleted.

How to get 10,000 followers on Facebook fast and free?

If you want to quickly get 10 thousand followers on your Facebook, how to do it now I will share some simple tips through which you can easily increase your Facebook followers quickly on your profile or page.

  • First, customize your Facebook account or Facebook profile nicely.
  • Then you have to regularly upload good quality videos or posts on Facebook page or Facebook account.
  • When your Facebook videos or posts reach different audiences, if they like it, they will follow your page and share the video and post. This way you can increase 10000 followers on Facebook instantly.
  • Now to share you another tip by which you can get 10000 followers within few days visit the link given here (
  • Then you will see two buttons (Login/Register) Click on Register button here.
  • Then click on (I am not a robot) with your email address and send verification code button.
  • Then add your Facebook account with all your information and then you can get 100 followers daily for free from this platform.


Through this article I have tried to tell you the rules of opening a Facebook business account and how to delete Facebook business Account and how you can quickly increase 10 thousand followers on Facebook.

I hope you will like this very much and if you want more Facebook business accounts If you are interested to know about the regular latest updates, stay connected with us and share the article with your friends if you like it. Thanks.