how to get google adsense approval for wordpress website?How do I get my website approved for Google AdSense?

Dear readers how are you all I hope you are well I am well with your prayers I want to discuss the topic among you I hope you will like it very much the main topic of today’s

discussion is how to get google adsense approval for wordpress website? check out for detailed information about it.

How to monetize wordpress website with google adsense account?

If you want to earn money from Google Adsense and how to make a WordPress website from a WordPress website in that case, these things will be given to you in detail with Google Adsense account today. If you want to know, watch the article carefully.

7 important google adsense tips for website monetization?

I will share with you 7 very necessary Google Adsense tutorials, if you observe them, you can easily get your WordPress website approved by Google Adsense. Let’s find out.

  1. First you need to buy good quality hosting and buy a top level domain.
  2. install WordPress.
  3. WordPress website should be designed Google AdSense friendly.
  4. Adequate amount of articles should be written on WordPress website.
  5. Important pages of the WordPress website must be added.
  6. Connect Google Search Console with Google Analytics etc. by installing Google Site Kit plugin.
  7. Then sign up Google Adsense and apply for Google Adsense with the link of the WordPress website.

Dear readers, the tips given above are very important for those who are interested in quickly monetizing Google Adsense, especially I myself follow these tips to monetize Google Adsense.

If you have any comments about google adsense wordpress you can tell us in the comment box.

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(Latest Update On 01 January 2024)